Join the Executives
Generation to Generation (G2G) Society — $5,000
- Complimentary invitation to our Generation to Generation Society's Afternoon of Good Food & Gratitude and other exclusive events
- Two Complimentary tickets to the Circle of Life Gala or One Ticket to the Golf Classic
- Complimentary attendance for you and a first-time guest to all Executives Speaker Series Events
- Complimentary tributes sent at your request to your family and friends recognizing important lifecycle events
- Name Recognition in Visions Magazine and The Executives website as a Generation to Generation (G2G) Society Member
To learn more, contact Ben Caspi at 818.774.3331 or via e-mail at Benjamin.Caspi@jha.org
Young Generation to Generation Society (YG2G)
$3,600- 40-49 years old
$1,800-Under 40 years old
- One Complimentary ticket to Circle of Life Gala or Exclusive YG2G event
- Recognition on The Executives website as a YG2G member
- Invitation to exclusive Executives events
Board of Directors (by invitation only) — $1,800
- Recognition on the Executives Website as a member of the Board of Directors
- Invitation to exclusive Executives events
Executive Plus Supporter $1,000 (and up)
- Recognition on The Executives Website at the Executves Plus Giving Level
- Invitation to exclusive Executives events
Advisory Board (by invitation) $750
Executive $500
- Name Recognition on The Executives website as an Executive Member
Executives are individuals who make an annual gift (above and beyond event registration) through the EXECUTIVES in support of the work of LAJH